Screen Replacements

What type of device do you have?

How Our Service Works


Place an order for your desired screen replacement service


Send your device to us with the information in your confirmation email


We'll send you an email on the day that we receive your device 


Wait for us to complete the repair of your device


Receive your repaired device via Tracked 24 delivery

How Long Does A Repair Take?

For devices that we stock parts for: 2-3 working day turnaround from when we receive it. 

For devices that we don't stock parts for: 6-12 working day turnaround from when you've placed your order.

Can You Repair A Broken Screen?

We offer screen replacements for devices that we are able to source parts for. By replacing the screen we are able to resolve any issue with your device that is caused by a faulty screen. The following issues can be resolved by a screen replacement: cracked screen, scratched screen, a dim display, faulty touch screen function & often (but not always) a screen that no longer displays anything.

How Much Does A Repair Cost?

Screen replacements start from £50 but will vary greatly depending on which depending on which device you have. The majority of repairs that we stock the screens for will cost in the region of £60 – £90. New devices and devices that we have to order parts in especially for will be more in the region of £100 - £150. All of the repairs that we offer have the price stated on their individual repair page.

Inspection of your device will be carried out on first working day they arrive with us & you'll receive email confirmation

Your device will be repaired & posted back via next day delivery - tracked, insured & with a delivery time slot

Stop wasting your hard earned cash!

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